The Boondachshunds
Welcome to the Boondachshunds Podcast. Since 2019, we (Ava and Dylan, plus our 2 “boondachshunds”) have been traveling all around the United States by RV, working from remote locations, powering our professional lives off solar, boondocking in the most beautiful spots in nature, and living lightly. Here’s what it’s like em(barking) on the road well traveled.
The Boondachshunds
MOAB: Mother of All Breakdowns
Em(barking) on the road well traveled
Season 1
Episode 5
Moab, Utah is one of our favorite spots to camp, with a cute town, delicious cafes, and the most calming red rock formations.
This episode is about our first week in our new travel trailer, and also our first time working off-grid in that trailer. We had everything from internet issues, a pretty important truck repair, a surprise illness, toilet concerns, and a few other breakdowns that were definitely a test of our resourcefulness.
Also, was that Danielle Craig walking through town?