The Boondachshunds
Welcome to the Boondachshunds Podcast. Since 2019, we (Ava and Dylan, plus our 2 “boondachshunds”) have been traveling all around the United States by RV, working from remote locations, powering our professional lives off solar, boondocking in the most beautiful spots in nature, and living lightly. Here’s what it’s like em(barking) on the road well traveled.
7 episodes
Nomadic Health and Safety: Trusting your intuition
Hello nomads! You have not heard from Ava and I in a while and we apologize, being parents has made for quite a shift in our lives and while little Koa thrives our time to record and work on passion projects like this has diminished. But, we're...
Season 1
Episode 7

Boondachshunds Top 10: How We Save Money On The Road
Our mantra is, “This life on the road should be cheaper than renting.” We typically spend about $1000 a month on living expenses, before groceries. Here are the top 10 ways we keep our RV life more affordable than a rental.
Season 1
Episode 6
MOAB: Mother of All Breakdowns
Moab, Utah is one of our favorite spots to camp, with a cute town, delicious cafes, and the most calming red rock formations. This episode is about our first week in our new travel trailer, and also our first time working off-grid i...
Season 1
Episode 5

Our View of Climate Change from the RV
In 2020, we escaped a forest fire in our former travel trailer. In this episode we talk about everything from what we did with the pet pig as the fire approached, to how we started filtering air in the travel trailer after that scary day.
Season 1
Episode 4

Pregnant and Nomadic
We have a baby on board! He's due in summer of 2022. It might seem overwhelming to be pregnant on the road, but this is how we're planning to transition into parenthood while still traveling.We talk about how pregn...
Season 1
Episode 3

The Boondachshunds Series for New Nomads Chapter 1: It all started in a rooftop tent
Since 2019, we've been traveling and working all over the United States in set-ups as small as a rooftop tent on the back of our pick-up truck, all the way to our current semi-truck sized diesel RV. We were unimpressed by the rental...
Season 1
Episode 2